Ladies and Gentlemen, Columbopathologists!
Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Professor Chengbao Wang announced that the date of the 1st Congress “Symposium on Veterinary Science and Pigeon Health” of the Chinese Branch of the International Veterinary Pigeons Association has been postponed and will be held on the March 27-28, 2021. The reason for the change of the date of the Congress is due to new regulations China Health Council related to the SARS CoV-2 pandemic regarding the prevention and control of this infection. Due to these guidelines, Northwest A&F University, where the meeting will take place, will start activity only on March 1, after the winter break. The campus will be closed by management for 2 weeks. The good news is that China’s COVID -19 situation is much better than in recent years. In this country, in the last 10 days, no local infections have been recorded. For these reasons, Congress will be moved to the March 27-28, 2021.