This year the annual meeting of the German branch of the IVPA was planned as an online meeting due to corona restrictions. However, 15 pigeon vets from surgery’s, science and veterinary offices took part in this further education on the 9th of January. The main focus was an update on pigeon rotavirus. Hence three of the five talks had this topic.
Dr. Rubbenstroth explained the current vaccination strategies and important challenges in the future. Concerning the safety of vaccination against pigeon rotavirus we had a presentation by Dr. Peus who showed the analysis of questionnaire replied by breeders and vets. To complete the picture the veterinary Mr. Meßmer showed the data of his rotavirus research. As special guest we were happy to welcome Dr. Müller. The topic of her presentation was orientation and route finding by racing pigeons and how to use this data to support pigeon welfare. The meeting was also used by Dr. Mohr to highlight the main changes in the new drug law in Europe (VO 2019/6) and in particular in Germany due to a new national law (TAMG).
After the great talks of the invited speakers we had traditionally an interdisciplinary discussion about current problems facing racing pigeons. All together it was a succeeded event for pigeon vets and we look forward to meet again 2023.
Special thanks go to Dr. Peus who organized the whole meeting and did a great job as presenter.